quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2012

DTS Team at the Lighthouse

Currently we have a Discipleship Training School (DTS) team serving here at the Lighthouse Community Center. 
This team recently finished the theoritical phase of their DTS here at YWAM Belo Horizonte, and now they are completing the outreach phase of the school by serving in missions.
This DTS team will be here serving at the Lighthouse Community Center in various ways, but mainly by working with the children who live here in the Cafezal slum. Meet the team!
Rosangela from Brazil.

Rachel and Jean Pascal from Switzerland.

Geovanne and Meuri from Brazil.

Salome from Austraila.
  She is leading a skateboarding and skating ministry here at the Lighthouse during her outreach time here. 

Vinicius from Brazil.

On a recent outing, the DTS team walked through the slum and then went hiking to a nearby mountain overlooking the city of Belo Horizonte.

 Having fun along the way!

One of the views on the walk, as the team is walking higher and higher.  Belo Horizonte is a large city as you can see.  There are approximately 5 million people living in the greater Belo Horizonte area.

On the mountain top enjoying the view.

Watch this space! 
 The DTS will be writing posts to share about their experiences serving here at the Lighthouse Community Center.

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