sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

The Lighthouse Olympics

Recently we held our annual Olympic Games here at the Lighthouse Community Center! 

Enjoy seeing these photos of our week of Olympic events. 

Team CUBA!

The Go Team, visiting us from Holland, helped organize and lead many of the Olympic events. (To read a little more about this short-term team click here.)

The kids had so much fun working together as a team and competing against one another.  Thanks Go Team for all your hard work and for being a blessing to the kids here in the Cafezal slum.

Fun times!

One child from each Olympic team was recognized for displaying excellent behavior during our week of Olympic events. 

Every child recieved an Olympic medal of participation and a gift bag full of goodies.

CUBA, the winning Olympic team even got a little trophy!

It was a fun week! 
 Many children from the slum had the opportunity to play and receive love and attention from everyone serving at the Lighthouse Community Center.  We covered the children in prayer and encouragment during their time here and saw much joy during these Olympic games!