Get Involved

Learn about how YOU can get involved in this missions work!

1. You can be a VOLUNTEER.

The Light House welcomes volunteers willing to serve in the slum. You just have to be Christian and be part of a church.

We accept volunteers who can serve here for two weeks to three months.  We also accept volunteers who can make a commitment to volunteer a few days or hour per week.

To read more about applying to be a volunteer click here.

Think and pray about it!  We would love for you to join us in our work.

2. You can be a MISSIONARY.

To be a full-time worker at the Lighthouse Community Center, you must first join Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and take a YWAM missions training course called  DTS  (Discipleship Training School). 

For more information about how to join staff just click here.
3. You can bring a SHORT-TERM MISSIONS TEAM.

If you would like to bring a team of people to come and serve here at the Lighthouse Community Center for 2 or 3 weeks that is also a possibility.  To read more information about this click here

Since we are a non-profit missions organization, we depend completely on offerings from churches, friends and Christians who want to invest in the work God has called us to.

We have many monthly expenses to run the Lighthouse Community Center and we are in great need of people who can support us on a monthly basis.  If you would like to commit to help us out monthly or would like to give a one-time gift this would be a huge blessing to us!

Click here to find out how you can become a financial supporter. 

5. You can be a PRAYER PARTNER.

We have a great need for people to support us through prayer. If you want to be a prayer partner, please click here to read the page "Pray for Us" where you can see our list of prayer points. Feel free to share this with your church and prayer group.  Your prayers mean a lot to us!

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